New Gearbox Ideas

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New Gearbox Ideas

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I think the time is nigh for my old MGB 4-spd unit to leave the nest and be replaced a stronger 5-spd unit. The clutch is also sounding pretty rough as does the clutch plate. Still bites strongly though and it is not slipping out of gear. (Yet). I have some good information on alternatives, but any further ideas on a suitable gearbox which will keep costs down and on transmission specialists who have proved competent and reliable would be gratefully accepted. The Ford box that some have suggested, though cheap, won’t take the grunt and despite claims to the contrary, does require a custom bell housing. What a pity Ken’s wonderful gearbox is out of production! All thoughts welcome. Thanks, Lawrence.
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Re: New Gearbox Ideas

I understand the Borg Warner T5 (I think) is the best, thats what is in the Cosworth. Expensive conversion I believe.
As you know, Im of the "If it aint broke dont fix it" brigade, your box, like mine has survived many years with V8 power, I still think your main issue is with the thrust bearing and plate in your clutch. If my gearbox was to let go, I would obviously look into a conversion, but until then, four speed and overdrive works for me!
As you, like me would have to pay for it to be done, save up all your pennies when it needs to be done.
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Re: New Gearbox Ideas

Laurie Way
In reply to this post by lawrencew
Another gearbox which is a cheaper option to the T5 is the LT77, this was used in a variety of vehicles including the Rover SD1 it later became replaced by the R380. Please see Roger Parkers MGB V8 Conversions   which details all the modifications etc. and also mentions Costello.

Laurie Way
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Re: New Gearbox Ideas

Ben Tovey responded with a very informative list of ideas and options for alternative gearboxes in our Costellos. It was so useful that we have decided to remove it from the Forum and place in its own section in the Technical page. So do please navigate your way there. Many thanks to Ben for that. Lawrence.