Mg Costello 1966

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Mg Costello 1966

Recently found mg Costello in my village. I spoke to the owner it's a 1966 type with V8 conversion. Not been started for 3years and with a jump start fired up. What would this be worth??
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Re: Mg Costello 1966

Please email
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Re: Mg Costello 1966

Hello Jeremy

Do you have any pictures of this car ?

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Re: Mg Costello 1966

In reply to this post by Jeremy
This car would be the oldest one modified by Costello Engineering so would be interesting to find out more. Don't forget though that the first cars were adapted in late 1970 and most were brand new at the time. Perhaps this car has had some Costello parts put on it, but lets see - drop me a line when you can and we'll investigate. Lawrence.