Events in June

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Events in June

Hi ,I am a proud owner of black Costello 1 FLV , living in New Zealand visiting U.K. in June and would like to go to some MG events and possibly see other Costellos, any recommendations?
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Re: Events in June

Richard M Fairclough
If you get up to Yorkshire..check out Runswick Bay Cottages for somewhere to stay...I organised the Heather Run in 2010 and would be delighted to meet up with you !…………Richard.
R.M. Fairclough
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Re: Events in June

Peter Brodt
In reply to this post by Wes
Hello Wes, Hi Richard,

Wes, the MG meeting in Silverstone is always worth while to go to:, and a trip to the east coast, as Richard suggested, is a nice trip, we did it 2 years ago and there is a lot to see .
We will be travelling Norway during May and June this year, so no chance to meet up (I also have a black Costello , would be a nice match). The Museum in Gaydon is also worth going to, you will not run out of attractions once you are in the UK...

Have a good time and a safe trip


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Re: Events in June

Laurie Way
Hi all, this a quick update from the MG Car Club :-

The MG Car Club is incredibly sorry to announce that due to Silverstone Circuits Limited’s decision to undertake essential track maintenance during June 2019, MGLive! has lost its venue and dates.
Silverstone has been the home of MGLive! since its inception in 1951 as the MG Car Club’s annual national meeting, meaning the loss of the opportunity to host the event at Silverstone has hit the Club very hard sentimentally.
The MG Car Club are now exploring options to move the event to a new location and/or date, with further announcements to be made on this in due course once arrangements are in place.

Hopefully they will find another venue but Silverstone is unique for its layout etc.