Costello twin universal steering shaft

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Costello twin universal steering shaft

Geof Pile
This post was updated on .
Hi. I have a 1974 (Not a Costello) V8 (Rover 3.5)MGB RHD Roadster which had an annoying problem in that the rear right hand exhaust header bolt would hit the steering shaft when the engine rocked. I have now fitted a stabiliser which seems to have reduced the problem but I believe that Ken Costello modified the geometry by cutting the shaft and fitted a second universal  to give more clearance for the header bolt. I believe he would have fitted a different steering rack assembly or changed the rack mounting thus changing the shaft angle.
Can anyone send me any details and hopefully a photo or two.
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

Can anyone help Geof? Must be some grease monkey Costello owners out there somewhere.....
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

paul stirling
In reply to this post by Geof Pile
Hi Geof Do you have this sorted now? If you need a photo of the double joint let me know, mines out the car at the moment. Paul
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

Geof Pile
Hi. Paul.
I would appreciate a photo or two.. I have improved the situation by fitting a stabiliser bar to the engine but that is not really fixing the problem as there is interference with extra engine movement.
My email address -
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

Costello Athletic Center is a 2,100-seat multi-purpose arena in Lowell, Massachusetts. It is home to the University of Massachusetts Lowell River Hawks men's and women's basketball teams.
gjk,fhul;8olyt7ol8 :)
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

Geof Pile
In reply to this post by paul stirling
Hi Paul.
Hope all is well. Was hoping to receive your photos of your steering shaft configuration. Still needed
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Re: Costello twin universal steering shaft

Paul Stirling
Hi Geof

Can you send me your email address and I'll ask peter who's worked on mine to send the pics to you. Thx Paul