Original Costello bonnet for sale.

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Original Costello bonnet for sale.

Original Costello bonnet for sale.

I have had this for 20 years which was originally on my car before I fitted fuel injection.

Has a couple of crazes in the centre of the bulge which are easily repaired, but otherwise in very good condition.


Post code RM17 Essex

Please ring Martin on 07759 710450 for further details.
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Re: Original Costello bonnet for sale.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for posting your note on the Costello Forum. Do you own a Costello car?
If so, could you get in touch with me and send over a few details and maybe some photos if possible? It would be great to have your car referenced on our website - mgcostello.com - as there are few of these on the roads today.

Kind regards
Lawrence Wood.