Judith's Costello in France: Exhaust needed

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Judith's Costello in France: Exhaust needed

Hi again Costellos!
Our Costello is in prep for getting back to road life!
Starter motor sorted out thanks to you all!
Fuel tank changed!
All I need now is advise whre to get the follwoing exhaust parts, if possible econd hand, or is it only possible to buy new??:
2 front pipes
1 Y-part (just behind the front pipes when you go from front to end)
Any suggestions?

My engine has been rebuilt, I have first to start the car at a minimum cost in order to see if the reparation has been done well, since the end of it we got less good with the guy who did it and have doubts... or let(s say less confidence...

Bonne route
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Re: Judith's Costello in France: Exhaust needed

Richard M Fairclough
Tony Law in Leeds made mine Judith

R.M. Fairclough