Engine Mounts, Hoses + Fan Belt

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Engine Mounts, Hoses + Fan Belt

Paul Stirling
Hi, Does anyone know what Ken used for engine mounts, coolant hoses and fan belts for restoring my 1971 MK1 GT? Help would be very much appreciated. All the best Paul
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Re: Engine Mounts, Hoses + Fan Belt

Hi Paul,

The engine mounts are from...Mini ! (to be bolted on the specific steel plates itself bolted on the engine block).
I don't know about the coolant hoses, but I suspect suppliers have changed over time. I use silicone ones, because they are available with almost every dimension.
My car (1972 Mk1) was fitted with a (poor) Kenlowe, I changed a long time ago for a modern fan, much more efficient.

Hope this helps
All the best