Does anybody know the type / part number for an alternator ?

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Does anybody know the type / part number for an alternator ?

Richard M Fairclough
Does anyone know the part number / type of alternator on the V8 ?  ‘Elvis’ is nearing completion following the alternator fire and as it was frazzled beyond recognition I want to ensure the new alternator doesn’t overload the standard MGB wiring.
R.M. Fairclough
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Re: Does anybody know the type / part number for an alternator ?

Laurie Way
Hi Richard, great news on Elvis. I presume you will not have an alternator for exchange! I have had a look around the suppliers and the part number is BHA5195A and 'The MGB HIVE' and 'RIMMER BROS' supply with no exchange for £94.50 and £96.00 inc. VAT respectively. Cheers Laurie.
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Re: Does anybody know the type / part number for an alternator ?

Richard M Fairclough
Cheers Laurie...I wasn’t sure if it was a Rover / Buick alternator..didn’t want to overload what I suppose is an MGB wiring loom ( of which a new one has been fitted )... car is looking fabulous !   Many thanks....Richard.