Air filter system, works V8

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Air filter system, works V8

Peter Brodt
Hello all,

does anybody still have an original air intake system for the works V8 as pictured in the ebay add below (take a look at the pictures of the engine bay, inlet manifold, carburaters, air box and -filters, the works):

If you have one and want to get rid of it let me know please.

Thanks and have a good weekend.

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Re: Air filter system, works V8

Hi Peter

There are some parts for sale in this months MGOC magaizine including crab claw air intakes and holly carbs etc.

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Re: Air filter system, works V8

Peter Brodt
Hello Paula,

thanks for the info, I´ll have at look at it. Are you attending the meet in Belgium? If yes see you there. Have a nice Sunday



On 15.05.2011 13:44, Paula-NRR-796K [via MG Costello Forum] wrote:
Hi Peter

There are some parts for sale in this months MGOC magaizine including crab claw air intakes and holly carbs etc.


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Re: Air filter system, works V8

Sadly my car is still not up and running so no trip to Belgium this time around. Hope you find the parts, I have a copy of the ad if you need the phone numbers.

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Re: Air filter system, works V8

Peter Brodt
Sorry to hear about the car but there will always be a next time ;-) . Regarding the phone numbers, no need to forward them to me, and thanks again.


On 17.05.2011 13:16, Paula-NRR-796K [via MG Costello Forum] wrote:
Sadly my car is still not up and running so no trip to Belgium this time around. Hope you find the parts, I have a copy of the ad if you need the phone numbers.


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